Things I Worked On

Things I Worked On
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Wednesday 6 November 2013

Building Collapse in Nigeria's Commercial Capital, Lagos - Breaking News!

Is it not funny how many twitter accounts are quick to use the word Breaking News? Breaking news, breaking news; you never see it coming. That was how Monday (November 4) evening turned out to be. After working all through Sunday on a food export story while trying to get footage of the stampede at a night vigil in Anambra that became a nightmare, killing 17 people and the Partial eclipse on the side as well; I thought I will have a nice quiet evening on Monday with lots of sleep.
When breaking news calls, every other thing has to stop. It is fun, well apart from the death part. My colleague teases me and say, it is now a matter of numbers. Forgive me, it does affect me, I mean I'm human but it is like my heart has grown cold and become accustomed to the tragedy that exists in our world today. It is now a daily occurrence  Almost a part of our existence.
Building collapse in Lagos! hmmmm. I feel for the families of those victims. Seeing the rescue workers bring out a body in the on-going rescue operations the following day after the incident was chilling. Was close to tears.I also weep for my country. We still do not have sufficient equipment in dealing with emergency situations and that is so sad.
I honestly pray we can see some survivors beneath all that rubble and for the souls of the ones we have lost, a peaceful rest. Their families, God help them because losing loved ones is never an easy situation to deal with.

Video link to the story:
Day 2:

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